Thursday, April 28, 2022

Introducing... Olivia Cassidy!!

Born to a fisherman’s family, the open sea is nothing, if not natural to Olivia Cassidy. She naturally gained an affinity to being out on the water, but also grew close to her dad. He walked her through the ropes of sailing and maintaining a ship. And from his point of view, she was one of the best damn captains he’d seen.

Olivia, besides her oceanic affairs, was quite the trouble maker on land. She constantly bothered the many children, adults, and authority of Aelbank, but she was also really good at getting away. That was, until the bothered went for those who couldn’t get away. They went after her family, choosing to kill her father and brother, leaving her mother alive for despair and humiliation. Olivia held this with her, not expecting such an outcome, but also knowing it was her fault completely.

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