Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 3

 Another day, another update! Today's update will be rather short, but there is an update to be had. The storyline for Rockshore Harbor has been implemented into the game, but Rockshore Harbor in itself is still being worked on. The layout is complete, but Rockshore still requires parallax mapping. I have started visualizing a layout for Graverock, and will start putting it together this week. If I can get a baseline layout for Graverock done, I'll also begin working on implementing its story, as well.

Relating to the rest of the week, I'll be introducing another playable character here, and over on Twitter, come Thursday. I would love to hear your feedback about the characters, to see how you feel about them. Feedback and ideas are ALWAYS welcomed and greatly appreciated. You can, of course, comment on their posts here, or over on their Twitter post. Anyways, another update has come, and once again, has gone. See you again, Thursday!

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