Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 9

It's Sunday, again! And that means we are back for another update! Let's get straight into it! I have completed the (non-parallaxed) working potion of the final town, and so I have started linking all of the late game story pieces together. Once, I am finished linking the endgame quests together, I will be going through the game in its entirety to ensure everything links up as it should. From there, all will be ready for an alpha testing stage. Going to keep progress moving, so you'll be seeing some things very soon!

As for Thursday, seeing that each of the playable characters have an announcement already, I will be doing a deeper dive into them as characters. These dives will include information about their home, alignments, relationships with other characters, and more. Keep look out for that. Anyways, thanks for checking out this update, and I'll see you Thursday!

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