Sunday, July 17, 2022

Deeper Dive: #4

 Elizabeth Mae

Occupation: Highwaywoman Creeping through the dense woods of the Blackwood Forest, she regularly surprises the lone weary traveler, even going to far as to thieve their entire caravan by cover of night.

Age: 19

Birthplace:  Buenavista

She was born to a noble family in Buenavista. Buenavista, is a beautiful minor port town near the outskirts of the Blackwood Forest, and stands across the pond from its sister town, Merriview.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Elizabeth hasn't had many intimate interactions with women. That being said, she does quite enjoy what she gives, and can get from men. With there being such an overabundance of men in Kaidiria, it makes it easier for her to get "what" she wants.

Relationships (+): Gareth, Olivia

Eliza is attracted to Gareth's goofy inner personality. The part of him that he hides behind his hard shell. As for Olivia, she feels a deep natural connection to her, even for having knowing her for such a short amount of time.

Relationships (-): Sandee

It's not necessarily that Eliza has an innate dislike of Sandee, but Sandee doesn't like her. Eliza's thieving doesn't sit well with Sandee's need to be truthful and honorable.

Type: Entitlement

Entitlement is her skill type. These skills fall under any physical/ranged type, swordplay, or any skill that may be unlocked through repetition and training.

Status: Damage 

Her skills are best utilized in disorienting and/or dealing significant damage to the enemy.

Alignment: Good 

Although, she can make some questionable decisions when it comes to interpersonal interactions with others, she does actively seek to help her friends when she can. She can be what you would call a... "Ride or Die."

Traits: Clever, Clumsy, Untrustworthy

Eliza, even being such a capable thief, can sometimes come off as clumsy. This causes her to find herself in many an unfortunate situation. However, she is clever enough to either talk, or craft her way out of said situation.

Weapons: Rapier/Revolver

She can precisely shoot and slice her way through crowds of enemies.

Abilities: Smokescreen

Elizabeth will throw down a smokescreen temporarily causing a sight ailment to her enemies, lowering their accuracy. This sight ailment affects all enemies and benefits all team members.

All members may still be targeted, and attacked, but with less accuracy from the enemy.

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