Monday, July 4, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 10

 Hey, everyone! This is the first update in a few weeks, so there's quite a bit to talk about. Let's get into it!

To start, I been working with some pretty phenomenal artists to get art done on a much more regular basis. Animations are being completed, and illustrations are coming along, in strides. I am excited to get more and more done, but as we all know, you can't rush great art! I hope to have something neat to present soon! Along with the game art, I have been working on completing a background of characters, but this has seemingly taken longer than expected. It should be completed very soon.

As for the game and its actual gameplay, it is complete. I am actively going through the game again to ensure that it can be played to completion without any hang ups or major issues. Once these gameplay trials are complete, I will be able to move into the alpha, and I have placed a deadline by the end of July to be at that stage.

I spoke with a few people interested with the game, and a few other game creators, and they recommended that I attempt to work with some type of publisher. I think I am going to take that path; however, it has not been moved into yet. It is still line that hasn't been crossed, but I do think it will assist in the spread of The Last Kingdom in the long run. 

Anyways, this has been a little bit of a filler for information this update, but there is a lot of progress being made. Until then, it'll just be me explaining how much is going on, and how it is going on. Thank you for checking in, and today, I leave you with a sketch snippet of "some" in-game art!

Art by (L 2 R): Ozuma Ryu, AmberHero, PlusBESTIA 

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