Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 12

Alright! Update 12, it is! Short update for the day, but that's fine! This week has moved incredibly fast! I feel as though it was just Sunday 1 week ago...! Anyways, received some more of the great art that has been in the works. That falls under the animation and character bust variety. I can proudly say that busts for Pollina, and Saa'veedra have been completed. I'm excited to say that they look incredibly awesome! I am also putting some more in the queue to be created. 

As for game design, I've started reworking the introduction of the game, as I may or may not have mentioned in our last update. This is to implement the new player character into the story and build something of a start for them. I have also been working on the in-game world map, as when you are not in an active area on the map, you will be traversing an open area on the map.

Lastly, I have a few new side villains on the way, as well as a few more love interests for each of the characters to interact with throughout the towns. They will be a host to special quests, interactions, and art dedicated to both them, and the character they are associated with.

Thanks for checking out the update today, see you in a few days!

Remember to Follow us on Twitter: The Last Kingdom

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