Thursday, April 7, 2022

Introducing... Aeris Aureolai, aka Aura!!


Aeris Aureolai, also known as Aura, is one of the 7 Celestial beings of Kaidiria. She represents the meaning of the dark and protects those who walk within it. She maintains a natural affinity to the night and will actively avoid, or even snuff out the light where she can. She, however, is no antagonist. She instead sits on a neutral barrier when it comes to the quarrels of humans. The Gods do almost nothing to aid the humans, but influence some of their actions. Aura is no different. She sees herself above the lowly humans as most Celestials do. She, however, will bestow her blessings to those who she deems worthy.

I hope you love Aura as much as I do! Leave a comment down below with your feelings about her! She was drawn by Ozuma Ryu, so you should go check out her page! I'm going to do more character reposts here, and over on Twitter. When I complete the rounds of my character list, I'll do a second run through of each character, filled with specific details for each! See you Sunday for our next update!

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 1

Alright! Here's our first post for the new website! From Squarespace to Blogger, I kind of just wanted to make things a little bit simpler around here, so this is as simple as it gets. We've also finally come to a conclusion on the logo for The Last Kingdom, and it can be found at the top of the blog, next to the name. It has meaning to the game; however, it may not be noticeable to you at this time. You will understand soon. Finally, I just want to thank you for being here, and whether you're new or not I hope that you come to like what you see. Anyways, on to the actual meat of the update!

A lot of progress has been made since the last update to the website a few months ago. I have commissioned a bit of art from a few different sources, and you'll see something soon. A new character has been completed and is enroute to her announcement. This Thursday, I'll reveal her here, as well as to the Twitter. (We have a Twitter now, too! Link Below) In engine, I've added a few more locales to the kingdom to expand the world diversity within the game. These new locations are the dungeon and subsequent mines beneath the Xoranian Territory, as well as the beginning works of Rockshore Harbor. I've also implemented a few and planned way more instances where the player can bump into unique scenes, and encounters in and around Kaidiria.

Anyways, stay tuned for Thursday, and I'll have another update for you Sunday!

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