Thursday, April 14, 2022

Introducing... Penelopei Barajhani!!


Around 200 years before the events of present day, Penelopei Barajhani was a dancer. Born to the wealth of the Grand Seignior of Safira, handiwork was not a duty she’d ever hold. In lieu of manual labors, however, she chose to spend her time cultivating traits in her sexuality, and spirituality. She would use her newfound traits to instead serve her people in the most meaningful way she could. She became a healer. By the use of dance and spirituality, she was able to mentally and physically heal the people of her nation, so much so that many people traveled great distances to be, if even just for a moment, in the vicinity of her essence. She was widely praised by the Safiran elders and the people for her benevolence and philanthropic ways, likely to be remembered for how fully she gave of herself. This was… until she vanished.

One of the dearest characters to me, Penelopei, is the first character that has been drawn by multiple artists. Her original was drawn by @Slender7Last and to match the style of the other characters, @OzumaRyu is back again! I’ve linked them both, so you should absolutely go check them out! You will also find a side by side comparison of their versions over on the Project Ebonlight Twitter. Anyways, this week has flown right on by, so there'll be next to no time until our next update Sunday!

Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 2

 ... and we're back! It feels like it's been a fast week, and there is an update to be had! Quite a bit has been completed since the last update. It isn't monumental, but it is significant. The story has been implemented to about 70% of its total, and Rockshore Harbor's first iteration has been completed. When the story is completely implemented, I will continue with the addition of the various side quests that inhabit Kaidiria. It feels as if we're coming to the finish line, but there is still much ground to tread!

As for Rockshore, I plan to show it off really soon, but right now it isn't quite ready. I will be taking it into the parallax mapping phase when the story is at 100% completion, so I'll announce when that's in progress. I do have something to show today, but please don't expect it to be ground-breaking. You will find a screenshot below! Also, in reference to Rockshore, the town theme is complete, and I think it kicks ass. It's a real tone setting theme, and I think you'll love it!

Following today's update, this week I'll be working on the implementation of Rockshore's story connection. Not that you must complete the Rockshore story first, but it is the first of the 4 tertiary towns with a working map. If completed early enough during the week, I'll begin construction of Graverock and its adjacent Graverock Meadow. I also will premiere another character here, Thursday, as done last week with Aura. Anyways, stay posted for what's to come, and I'll see you again Thursday!

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