Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 5

 Here we are! Back again with another Blogger Update! Text update, number 5, but technically the ninth update altogether. This is a longer update than last, and I feel that so much was completed this week compared to last. Let me begin...

Graverock has been completed in terms of its main story implementation. That leaves a couple of towns left to implement before I can aptly proclaim that The Last Kingdom is ready for testing! I have started visualizing the outlines of the remaining towns, and they'll be created soon. Moving forward from the mapping and programming aspects, I have some more art being completed, and some sprite work being done. On that note, I am also glad that my favorite character battler pixel artist has returned to work. I have also discussed more art with a few new artists. This all will be revealed!

Anyways, as come Thursdays, another character will be revealed here and over on the Twitter (which can be found at the link below). I'll be going into a little bit more detail about this one, so check back in in a few days (Thursday). Alright! Thank You for checking in and I'll see you again then! 

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