Thursday, May 19, 2022

Introducing... Xy'na Vera!!

Born to Xenzi saka-Vera, the Great Chieftan of the Xetrian Clan, Xy'na Vera was bred to be a fighter. Despite her young age, her prowess in battle earned her a high-ranking position above the typical Xetrian warrior. Her agility and strength alone allowed her to fell even some highly skilled soldiers at her will. It would seem that her training and prowess in battle has really set her apart, but her training centric childhood stripped her of everything that she should've had. Most importantly, her childhood.

Over time, she has come to learn that not everything can be under one's control. And much to her father's chagrin, she exclaims that not every battle needs to be fought with a shield and spear. Her adoption of these mentalities may stem from a greater knowledge, or the naivety of a child not privy to the true horrors of the world. Xy'na has a long road ahead of her, just not in any of the ways that she sees for herself.

Xy'na was drawn by resident artist, OzumaRyu, but Xy'na has always been a little bit more special than some of the characters. That being said, we are working on some comic books that will tell the back-stories of the characters, to give a little mor insight about where they are coming from. I am also excited to say that Xy'na is the first in line to receive one! I'll be posting some of the first pages of the comic, here and over on Twitter, so stay posted. Besides all of this, I hope you like Xy'na as much as we do, and please leave your feedback in the comments below. Thanks, again, and see you Sunday!

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Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 7

 Happy Sunday! It has been quite a productive week. Completed a majority of the Starfall town outline, and a large ice cavern. I've even started working on (so far) the second puzzle. 

As for the town itself, I need to take it into post, for editing. This one, along with some of the others will need to be taken into the parallax mapping phase, but it will come soon. When Starfall's story implementation is complete, I'll be left with the task of completing one final (important) town, before I can link everything together, and head into the Alpha Phase! It feels like it has been a long time coming, but it is great to write those words. I hope to have some of you test it out and let me know what you think so far. 

I've also been in talks with one of my artists about doing some comics for the characters. If we get that off of the ground soon, expect to see some of the first pages here, and over on the Twitter.

Anyways, this has been a bit of a short update, but that is fine as we are nearing an important milestone. We are also nearing the end of the list of Thursday character announcements, so following that, I will be doing deeper dives into the character's personalities, weekly. Thursday is coming, so stay tuned for that, and I'll see you then! Thanks!

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