Friday, May 27, 2022

Introducing... Eliza Mae!!

Born to a noble family, Elizabeth was raised in the manners of a proper lady. However, she had a burning passion within her that went against her parents' traditional ways. Elizabeth had a lust for adventure, and growing up, she would often get herself into trouble because of it. She would be scolded time and time again about the dangers of wandering too far or doing things that were too dangerous. That, "especially for a lady of her standing," as her mother would put it.

Despite this, Elizabeth wasn't overly rambunctious when her parents required something of her, such as being able to behave when in important company. She respected her parents, but Elizabeth grew to have a problem with authority, and because of this, she had gotten into trouble on more than one occasion with local authorities. Much to her parents' dismay, the authorities eventually shifted her punishments on her family, opting to affect the true source of their issue. This, and its outcome tore a rift between she and her family, causing her to run away from her home.

Through her time on her own, she came to realize that life wasn't as easy as she had originally thought. Her adventures were exciting, in their own right, but the life of an adventurer just wasn't sustainable. She contemplated returning to her family, and making right her wrongs, but after coming across a group of travelers alone in the woods, she changed her life completely.

Originally was drawn by @Slender7Last and redrawn to match the style of the other characters, who else, but @OzumaRyu! I’ve linked them both, so go check them out!

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 8

 It's TUESDAY... and I don't normally post on TUESDAY! But, that's fine... I think?! It was quite the busy weekend for me, but I am actually pretty excited about something for this update. That excitement being from Xy'Na Vera's character introduction reaching over 50 likes over on Twitter! I know that that isn't much to cheer, but at the same time, it isn't something to scoff about. Especially considering that the most likes on a post by this point was 6. I believe that the retweets she received really helped her get out there, but  it's just amazing to see.

Game wise, we are moving steadily, and I am still implementing the new town. I can see it being initially done by end of this month. The progress here is coming as it has for the past 5 months.

Lastly, we have one more allied character to reveal, before we get into the antagonist's introductions. I can only hope that this character receives even half of the love Xy'Na received. Until Thursday, we will see! Thanks for check in, and see you Thursday! 

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