Thursday, July 7, 2022

Deeper Dive: #3

Saa'veedra Shiera

Occupation: Alchemist/Apprentice

Saa'veedra is the apprentice to a potions master, who's shop resides in Xorania. She is a capable alchemist, and continually creates new concoctions.

Age: 24

Birthplace:  Osharia of Lochriel

She was born to a farm family in Osharia. Osharia is a continent outside of, and not directly connected to the borders of Kaidiria.

Home: Xoranian Territory

She resides within the Xoranian Territory.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

While Saa'veedra primarily prefers to spend time with men, she will often spend time with women that she becomes close to.

Relationships (+): Penelopei, Pollina

Saa'veedra doesn't have too many positive connections in the group, due to how negative her personality may seem. Those who she is comfortable with know that she isn't much too bad, but to those who don't, she just seems like a pessimist.

Relationships (-): Xy'Na 

Xy'Na doesn't particularly connect with Saa'veedra, because of her outright negativity when things get tough. Besides having to deal with the negativities in her own life, Xy'Na also has to deal with Saa'veedra's.

Type: Potential

Potential is her skill type. These skills fall under any magic type, casting, or any skill that may be unlocked through use and understanding.

Status: Support 

Her skills support her team through barriers and potion administering.

Alignment: Neutral 

Joining the group by way of her potions master, she really has no stake in what issues Pollina and the mercenary are dealt.

Traits: Insecure, Wavering, Unreliable

Saa'veedra constantly doubts things that go on around her. Whether that includes the actions of others, or not, it may cause her to become distant and abrasive when being given requests and demands. She constantly requires reassurance to keep her morals up.

Weapons: Magic

By way of her ancient runic text, she can conjure hex magic to attack enemies, or defend from enemy attacks.

Abilities: Administer

Saa'veedra can administer potions of different types to her allies. It can effectively act as a second item use in any specific turn, if used properly.

Only potion consumables may be used by this ability.

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Monday, July 4, 2022

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 10

 Hey, everyone! This is the first update in a few weeks, so there's quite a bit to talk about. Let's get into it!

To start, I been working with some pretty phenomenal artists to get art done on a much more regular basis. Animations are being completed, and illustrations are coming along, in strides. I am excited to get more and more done, but as we all know, you can't rush great art! I hope to have something neat to present soon! Along with the game art, I have been working on completing a background of characters, but this has seemingly taken longer than expected. It should be completed very soon.

As for the game and its actual gameplay, it is complete. I am actively going through the game again to ensure that it can be played to completion without any hang ups or major issues. Once these gameplay trials are complete, I will be able to move into the alpha, and I have placed a deadline by the end of July to be at that stage.

I spoke with a few people interested with the game, and a few other game creators, and they recommended that I attempt to work with some type of publisher. I think I am going to take that path; however, it has not been moved into yet. It is still line that hasn't been crossed, but I do think it will assist in the spread of The Last Kingdom in the long run. 

Anyways, this has been a little bit of a filler for information this update, but there is a lot of progress being made. Until then, it'll just be me explaining how much is going on, and how it is going on. Thank you for checking in, and today, I leave you with a sketch snippet of "some" in-game art!

Art by (L 2 R): Ozuma Ryu, AmberHero, PlusBESTIA