Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Last Kingdom - Dodo Brain Update

Hey, everyone! As most of you know, I have been basically AFK here on the website for almost a year now, and that is due to my HORRENDOUSLY [Dodo Brained] social media management. That being said, The Last Kingdom has been in development during this time, and so no time was wasted in between. As with keeping up to date with posting here and on Twitter, I plan on lowering my update post count to one per 2 weeks, that being on Sunday (PST). I've decided to make this change so that they each update can be a bit more substantial, and I have time to corral everything together.

In reference to the update for today, majority of the most recent work completed is directed to the new introduction that is currently being implemented. The pathing and routing for the player during this segment of the game is complete, leaving the dialog and cutscenes to be worked out before completion.

Lastly, I just wanted to mention a few things regarding the social media channels. I'm excited to say that we will be doing giveaways! To start, we will be mainly giving away video games by established developers, but when the time comes, The Last Kingdom will be included. The kinks haven't exactly been worked out about how they will be diverted to the winners, but most likely, it will be set by milestones being hit. That being said, I look forward to updating you guys again, real soon!