Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 13

 Hey, everyone! Today's update is fairly short, but that is okay, because it includes a lot of additions. The introduction to the game is implemented and can be played through, into the game proper. From there, I've begun to implement the character interactions and enemy battles that you will encounter throughout. I have also implemented the enemy patrols, that allow each of the enemies to roam the environment, and chase the player if they are spotted. However, they won't chase the player indefinitely. If they lose line of sight, they will return to their patrol after not relocating the player. And with every enemy patrol system, comes the necessity of a player stealth system.

The stealth system works as allowing the player to hide in abnormally dark sections of the map, and can lose enemy sight by hiding in those spaces. However, if an enemy finds the player within one of these spaces, they will commence chase. This feature is in its infancy right now, but will be available upon the early access release. Thanks for checking out this short  dev-log, and I'll be back soon, to update you again!