Sunday, June 4, 2023

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 14

 Hey, everyone! Another update here, and another update closer to release! Let's get to the details. These past couple of weeks has consisted of bug fixing, along with the implementation of new quests, and features. Among these features, a lot of player options have been added in order to make the gameplay tailored to how you want it. The option to show followers now exists, and there is now a music box feature (that is still under work), that will allow you to listen to the game music you acquire throughout your playthroughs.

Following all of these implementations, I will be playing through the game in its entirety to ensure that it can be played as such. There will need to be some work to the aesthetic of the maps to make them feel alive, but that will come after full story progression has been verified. Come next week, you will know of these developments. Once again, thank you for keeping up with The Last Kingdom, and I'll see you in the next update!