Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 15

Hey everyone! Mid-June already and it feels like time has been flying by! Today is a very short form update, since the last update applies a lot to this week's update. Let's begin!

I have been running through the gameplay progression and timing my playthrough. That's really the gist of everything lately. Every so often, I'll run into an issue where progression is stunted by something that I may have changed later in development, and so from there, I'd cut time, and continue from where I start next. Along with that, I've added a few more character interactions and player choice dialog expansions.

Second to all of this, I have been working on in game art, and putting together the game introduction cutscene. The audio for it has been completed for a while now, but the hard part of the project is getting the art/animations together to bring it together. However, it does seem like it will come together soon!

See, super short form update here... now, I'll see you in a few weeks for our next update! Thanks for tuning in!