Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 18

Hey everyone! Here we are again, back with another update! I have come to the conclusion that posts should have some form of content attached to them these days, shouldn't they? So as I have a few times in the past, I will be adding content to posts in the future. Not every post, but more than I have in the past. That being said, on to the actual Update!

To start, I have completed about 15% of the second act (2nd) pass, and I can say it is going well. The story is already available, so I am implementing quests that are related to the player's relationship between the characters, and refining the current dialog spoken between them all.

As for art related details, the creation of the story  introduction is making progress. It is being worked on, illustration by illustration, by one singular artist, who is amazing at what they do. No spoilers for this yet, but I will have a preview for it, sometime soon. 

Anyways, progress seems to be shuffling away, and it will for the next few months. We are close to a point where an early access can be available, and we will stay on the grind until it can. Thanks again for checking out this update, and I'll see you in a few weeks! Also... WIP content...!

WIP screenshot of the Xorania Territory on the Overworld!

Screenshot of a WIP night parallax section of the Xoranian Territory!