Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 19

 Hey, everyone! How are you all doing this fine Sunday (PST)? I think I say it every update, but this one is no different. Time is really flying, and as it does, the updates keep getting shorter. Again, this update is no different there either.

As this update is short, I'll go over the quick basics of it all. I am working on the complete connection of the Windermagne Stronghold storyline. As some of the dialog has changed, I have to work on making it cohesive with the rest of the storyline here. That part is moving as well as it can, but that is the length of the struggles. Anyways, no matter how short this update is, thank you for checking it out. I'll be back with another update at the end of the month, and hopefully it will be a little more substantial. Thanks, again for being here!