Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 20

 Hey, everyone! Hope you all had an awesome Halloween, and first of November! This year has passed by exceedingly quickly, and for that... another month is upon us. Now, straight into business.

These past couple of months, I have been working on implementing new dialog, scenes, and quests for the player to experience in the Windermagne Stronghold portion of the game. This process had slowed down over the past months due to a project I have been working on for my job, but now that it is complete, process will be back to normal speed.

I have also been working with a few different artists on character reference sheets, character animations, and illustrations based on the scenes the player will come in contact with. The introductory cutscene is still in progress, and has come to about 45% of its runtime. I am excited to present these things to you.

Besides all of this, things are moving and back in order. There is more on the horizon! Thanks for checking in!

[This is WIP scene from the introduction cutscene.]