Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 24

 Hey, everyone! Going to keep this one short, so that I meet me sort of deadline here, and get back to work. I've been up to finishing up the final story based quests. I am currently still working on the Raven's Ridge portion of these quests, but should be done with these shortly. From there I'll be moving to the Rockshore Hollow end-stage quests. Alongside this, I've been edging in the visual novel function into the game. It's a little tougher than it looks to add into RPG Maker, but once you get the hang, you only need to worry about the time it takes to implement. I want the lines here to feel true to the characters, and their actions, but be fun and goofy in some situations. Lastly, I have more H-art on the way, because what is an H-game, without any H! I am still looking for artists, if any of you want to collaborate on my project! 

Anyways, once again- thanks again for stopping by and checking out this update! I'll see you guys again at the next one! And when I make VERY sporadic Twitter/X posts! Talk to ya later!

Here's a small look at one of my Visual Novel scenes (SFW). More to be posted on Twitter/X!

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 23

 Hey everyone! It's been a busy 3 months since my last update, and I still haven't gotten any better at posting updates. I should really find some help on the social media side. Anyways- a lot has happened and been completed since the last time I updated here, and I will separate the updates by section, as I do in my SourceForge updates. Now- let me get into it!

Progression: The game has progressed finely since the last update. The game can be played from beginning to a bit after the start of the 3rd act. I am currently in the works of adding the late stage quests, and implementing interesting map design, side events, minigames, and puzzles to aid and enjoy along your journey. Progress has been moving swimmingly, but as with most things- it takes time. I have also been working on implementing some of the enemy and boss battling. They are not exactly balanced- yet, but that part comes later. The battles have to work- AT LEAST!

Art: I am working on the comic book, which is coming closer to a stage where I can present somethings. About half of the book is lined, but there are more pages left to be worked on. In terms of in-game art, progress still flows as it has.

As for the state of other things,look at howw time is flying by! 3 and a half months through the year, meaning we literally only have 8 and a half left. Sounds like a long time, but in 2 weeks, it will be May. It's just insanely wild, and time is flying, and I can't wait for Halloween, again! Anyways- Thanks for dropping by to check out my update, and I will be back with another update soon(er than you think)!

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 22

 Happy New Year, everyone! With every new update, there are all sorts of updates to be found. I have implemented the entirety of the Windermagne goblin cave portion of the game, and here the game really opens up to the player. Once completed in this area, the player is return home, with the experience gained, and a whole northern region open for exploration. I am excited to get into that area, and fill the story for us even further!

New art has been in the works, as well as new characters and characterizations. The shortstack goblin who I mentioned in a few updates over on SourceForge, has now been given a name and a backstory to her place in the game. I have also created a couple of groups that will aid the story; the Sisters of Starfall and the Bazaar du Arcana Mystique! Besides these things, the daily grind moves on. I constantly add new details to our world, and make additions and changes to the way the story progresses. 

Thank you for following Project Ebonlight, and I'll see you at the next update!