Monday, April 15, 2024

The Last Kingdom - Blogger Update 23

 Hey everyone! It's been a busy 3 months since my last update, and I still haven't gotten any better at posting updates. I should really find some help on the social media side. Anyways- a lot has happened and been completed since the last time I updated here, and I will separate the updates by section, as I do in my SourceForge updates. Now- let me get into it!

Progression: The game has progressed finely since the last update. The game can be played from beginning to a bit after the start of the 3rd act. I am currently in the works of adding the late stage quests, and implementing interesting map design, side events, minigames, and puzzles to aid and enjoy along your journey. Progress has been moving swimmingly, but as with most things- it takes time. I have also been working on implementing some of the enemy and boss battling. They are not exactly balanced- yet, but that part comes later. The battles have to work- AT LEAST!

Art: I am working on the comic book, which is coming closer to a stage where I can present somethings. About half of the book is lined, but there are more pages left to be worked on. In terms of in-game art, progress still flows as it has.

As for the state of other things,look at howw time is flying by! 3 and a half months through the year, meaning we literally only have 8 and a half left. Sounds like a long time, but in 2 weeks, it will be May. It's just insanely wild, and time is flying, and I can't wait for Halloween, again! Anyways- Thanks for dropping by to check out my update, and I will be back with another update soon(er than you think)!